Consider... an illustrated Site Plan showing all the Parking Spaces Around #MVHS Downtown / The Wynn Hospital, excluding on-street parking.
Syracuse-based Bowers completes purchase of O’Brien’s Plumbing at 411 Columbia Street, @CityofUtica. Fate of #eminentdomain by #OCIDA #MHVS, Central Utica Building LLC (#kelberman), Oneida County & @AJPicenteJr up in air...
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) April 4, 2023
MVHS and Kelberman should stop fighting with Bowers and work together! If healthcare was truly put in first place, then new ideas would improve Utica's Wynn Hospital Site. Too bad they destroyed Boilermaker History and placed the Parking Garage in the worng place!
August 24, 2022 - Larry Sharpe has something to say about eminent domain...
#EminentDomainIsTheft It was five years ago, it still is today. Oneida County Government stole land in Utica to build a Hospital and parking garage. 40 businesses flattened, all to benefit the well-connected. We must stop these things in NY.#aNewNY #WriteInLarrySharpe #Sharpe4Gov
— Larry Sharpe (@LarrySharpe) August 24, 2022
March 7, 2022 - Not intending to go away, we're reading...
As well as Satifying The "Public Use" Requirement Of Eminent (2002) Domain and more...
U.S. Supreme Court Reopens the Federal Courthouse Door to Property Owners' Takings Claims
Looking Back Ten Years After Kelo, 7 July 2015 Dana Berliner
Kelo v. City of New London: A Perspective on Economic Freedoms, 1997, Sharon A. Rose
February 2, 2022 - Public hearing notice, Oneida County Industrial Development Agency (OCIDA) Eminent Domain: Central Utica Building LLC, 411 Columbia Street. More on the battle for 411 Columbia Street, Utica, NY.
January 24, 2022 - Developer seeks to protect real estate interest in downtown Utica, Bowers Development plans to fight eminent domain use, in ongoing Wynn Hospital story.
January 21, 2022 - In the news, Oneida County Industrial Development Agency takes next step in possible eminent domain use for downtown Utica hospital.
For some background, read A case of “Figures Don't Lie, But Liars Do Figure”? as Dr. Kelberman speaks to the Oneida County IDA.
January 20, 2022 - On the air, VP Mike Licata of Bowers Development talks Utica Properties, Funding & Eminent Domain Fight with MVHS and Oneida County.
2022 Oneida County Budget Address - Mr Picente confirms, he hopes to build a parking garage for a private hospital... "With MVHS’s Wynn Hospital rising in the heart of downtown Utica, we are well positioned to take on the challenges of the future. An area that was once sparsely populated with little commercial or retail activity will soon be bustling with visitors, employees and activity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The County is committed to building a parking garage, without which the hospital cannot operate."
[Note: "sparsely populated" is not accurate, only his opinion, the properties tageted by hospital we're only 7% vacant.]
January 11, 2022 - In the news, Downtown Utica hospital opponents lose court case over parking garage eminent domain. Story states an appeal is expected.
Oneida County's press statement: State Appellate Division Dismisses Parking Garage Eminent Domain Lawsuit Against Oneida County.
January 3, 2022 - In the news, Brett Truett & Jeremy Zogby discuss Legacy of Downtown Hospital Fight and Eminent Domain.
Meanwhile, the NYS Appellate Division, 4th Division alerts parties in Brett B. Truett, Joseph Cerini And 418 Lafayette St Corp Vs. Oneida County of their Decision. Cases cited by the 4th Division Justices were:
[1} Matter of City of New York (Grand Lafayette Props. LLC), 18 AD3d 342
[2] Matter of Turkewitz v Planning Bd. of City of New Rochelle: 2005 NY Slip Op 10142 [24 AD3d 790] December 27, 2005
[3] In the Matter of WALDO'S, INC., Appellant, v. VILLAGE OF JOHNSON CITY, Respondent.
August 30, 2021 - Another lawsuit and another effort to use eminent domain, Bowers threatens lawsuit over eminent domain proposal MVHS Utica Hospital.
Their Story Started Very Early as they set-out to label the Columbia Lafayette Neighbor as "blighted". Actually newspaper images and just one word wasn't enough, as it became "Crushing Blight" and "Functionally Obsolete" in their MV500 Bid For $500 Million.
You see, blight is an important word for "Yes Hospital Downtown" folks, as "blight" is the watchword for forward (ha!) thinking governments seeking to justify the use of "Eminent Domain".
May 16, 2021 - Another Legal challenge to the Downtown Utica Hospital Concept, this time their proposed Parking Garage...
Last week: 1st #lawsuit dropped on Oneida County’s attempted #eminentdomain case to build a #hospital parking garage in Downtown #Utica...
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) May 16, 2021
Looking back, Eminent domain settled for new Utica hospital and Why Utica, Oneida County would handle eminent domain for new hospital.
April 15, 2021 - In the news, Oneida County legislators pave way to start eminent domain court proceedings for garage...
Oneida County legislators pave way to start eminent domain court proceedings for garage
— Observer-Dispatch (@uticaOD) April 14, 2021
May 14, 2021 - Read lawsuit to protect Enterprise Rent-A-Car parcel in, 525-527 ORISKANY STREET LLC vs. ONEIDA COUNTY BOARD OF LEGISLATORS, ONEIDA COUNTY, JOHN DOE CORPORATIONS AND JOHN DOES
March 25, 2021 - Read, Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Agenda, Including (ITEM #1 Scheduling of Public Hearing For Downtown Hospital Eminent Domain).
March 11, 2021 - Ongoing Legal issues as City of Utica discusses use of eminent domain, When and where to voice your opinion on the use of eminent domain for Utica hospital.
February 11, 2021 - Read, Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Agenda, Including Eminent Domain For Downtown Hospital (PDF).
January 23, 2021 - Read public comments made in response to Oneida County's threat of Eminent Domain, submitted by Joe Cerini and Brett Truett... buildings worth saving on Lafayette Street.
December 23, 2020 - Government overreach...
Go ahead, lock and load the “naysayer” guns. But my opinion that it’s wrong for Oneida County to use eminent domain on 3 properties (for an unnecessary parking garage we can’t afford) isn’t for lack of me trying to understand the situation better the past 3+ yrs. /9
— Katie (@katieaiello) December 23, 2020
September 8, 2020 - At least five places to build a parking garage...
Will #mvhsdowntown ever be completed? Where will funding come from? Does #hospital truly require 3,000+ parking spaces? Will @MVHealthSystem go bankrupt? Where's helipad? One thing is absolutely true, eminent domain not required to for parking garage...
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) September 8, 2020
Utica should pick historic Preservation, significant Erie Canal Heritage to protect.
March 26, 2020 - City of Utica has plans, MEETING MINUTES – March 26, 2020, Authorization to Procure Appraisals and Commence Negotiations (For Downtown Hospitals)....
September 12, 2019 - City looks to use eminent domain on yet another Utica property owner and would be downtown developer...
Today I spoke to the City at a URA Meeting & sent a letter requesting they stop using #EminantDomain to seize private property. Mr. Bailey being forced out of his stake in #Utica will surely send he & others looking elsewhere to do business. That's not something I'll ever support
— Joe Marino (@JoeUtica4) September 12, 2019
January 11, 2019 - Oneida County's top attorney prepares to sieze property in downtown, Peter Rayhill, "Oneida County Must Prepare For Eminent Domain For Downtown Utica Hospital Parking Garage."
December 30, 2018 - Is your City of Utica property next? We ask as today's UticaOD opinion states "more parking spaces are required downtown" in their opinion piece titled, OUR VIEW: Downtown Parking Must Be Addressed.
With Utica's Mayor, hey you just never know where you stand...
#LiesMyGovernmentToldMe That the City of Utica and Oneida County wouldn't take the lead on eminent domain.
— Katie Martin (@katieaiello) December 30, 2018
January 24:
April 11:
Their Downtown Utica Hospital Concept is bad, and plainly wrong. Just like today's UticaOD opinion piece, which we discuss here; #NoHospitalDowntown Reviews UticaOD Opinion on Downtown Parking.
September 10, 2018 - We hope to become a case for Kavanaugh...
Kelo was a terrible SCOTUS decision and speculation is that Kavanaugh would reverse it if confirmed. I wrote an Op Ed about this a while back. Florida made some excellent choices on how to respond to shackle in eminent domain abuse.
— Rich Purtell (@rich_purtell) September 10, 2018
April 30, 2018 - There were radio shows about eminent domain...
Jim Brock from #NoHospitalDowntown swings by the studio (after the gym) to react to latest eminent domain developments in the proposed hospital project.
— TALK! 100.7 FM (@_talkfm) April 16, 2018
April 13, 2018 - WUTQ Talk FM: Oneida County Executive Talks Downtown Hospital, Eminent Domain
April 16, 2018 - WUTQ Talk FM: #NoHospitalDowntown's Jim Brock Talks Eminent Domain and April Updates
April 19, 2018 - WUTQ Talk FM: Congresswoman Claudia Tenney Discusses her Downtown Hospital Comments
Consider: City of Utica places an RFP for
April 30, 2018 - WUTQ Talk FM: Anthony Brindisi Talks Cable Bills, Thoughts on Eminent Domain and More
April 11, 2018 - Mayor now says "Yes", but back in January the Utica Mayor Said "No" To Eminent Domain. So someone has set down the way it'll be as explained in, Eminent domain settled for new Utica hospital.
Nobody on “the @NYGovCuomo new hospital for @CityofUtica transformation” team has plan the perverse MVEDGE economic development concept holds healthcare improvements for Oneida County in suspense - for three years! #NoHospitalDowntown
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) January 25, 2018
County and city have a deal! What is it that changed their minds? And who? Was it a HUGE contingent of caring doctors and nurses? Also, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney has a say on the eminent domain issue...
Declaring eminent domain—which allows government to forcibly take privately held property from one owner and hand that property over to another private entity—in the proposed Downtown Utica Hospital footprint is an equally egregious taking of Constitutionally protected rights.
— Congresswoman Tenney (@RepTenney) April 20, 2018
Why is @CityofUtica planning to use #eminentdomain to level several properties from loyal and successful small businesses? All for a project that benefits a few wealthy investors? This is completely backwards. #mvhsdowntown
— Daniel Parsnow (@Henrygreen0203) April 12, 2018
Learn more about Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.
December 22, 2017 - So many never made part of the hospital concept, and now many oppose it...
Game on! Small Business / Property Owners / Taxpayers vs. @MayorPalmieri @ABrindisiNY @AJPicenteJr @SenGriffo
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) December 22, 2017
"Eminent domain" spoken by #OneidaCounty @MVHealthSystem hospital lawyers @BondLawFirm
Our toolbox contains the Eminent Domain Abuse Survival Guide, and numerous stories. For example, Eminent Domain Being Abused?
April 17, 2017 - Would Utica become party to the list of projects involving eminent domain abuse
Hey @CityofUtica don't join "20 Failed Projects Involving Eminent Domain Abuse"
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) April 17, 2017
And avoid years of court delays too!
Our Hospitals, the City of Utica, and Oneida County, have access to a 64-acre hospital campus Just 1-3/4 miles away at the "Oneida County Medical District". At the same time, the targeted neighborhood is not as blight-ridden as they say and turning it into a large non-taxable, privately-owned, hospital district doesn't generate wealth.
Expelling numerous non-profits and tax-producing businesses will not stand in the courts, and throughout downtown the city has many examples of old broken buildings being redeveloped - even the mayor brags of Utica's successes! Many great reasons why residents want a New hospital Built at St. Luke's! An equal number of reasons why Downtown Is Wrong.
THE PROPERTY RIGHTS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA INC: No. 1- Notice Of Motion, No. 2- Brief Of Amicus Curiae
Yale Law & Policy Review: The "Public Menace" of Blight: Urban Renewal and the Private Uses of Eminent Domain
#NoHospitalDowntown Is Not Anti-Utica, Nor Not Anti-Hospital