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Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OH

We are looking at this hospital. The Mohawk Valley Health System has Sighted Various Hospitals, which were sited by NBBJ while researching options for their Oneida County Concept. This OhioHealth Riverside Hospital (2015 total revenue: $2,452,502,888) is a 756-bed general medical and surgical hospital.

Columbus is the capital and largest city in Ohio, the 14th-largest United States with a population of 860,090. The city is 223 square miles [Ref.], as opposed to Utica's 17 square miles.

"Columbus has a generally strong and diverse economy based on education, insurance, banking, fashion, defense, aviation, food, logistics, steel, energy, medical research, health care, hospitality, retail, and technology." (Wikipedia)

However this hospital is NOT in Downtown Columbus, not even close...

Utica has had problems for a long time, and a downtown hospital would only fuel the sad, sad, trend...

Hey MVEDGE, or MVHS, or Albany, "silver bullets" have not worked before, so please direct this Hospital Concept elsewhere!

Don't destroy Utica's Downtown Utica's Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood, there's 64 acres at St. Luke's on a green hilltop!

No Studies, No Reports, thus we remain #NoHospitalDowntown