Are we funding healthcare or urban renewal? Where does one's wealth best help healthcare in the Mohawk Valley?
March 14, 2018 - MVHS seeks $30M to help bulldoze Downtown Utica, new hire to start pitching the urban destruction...
Funding Oneida County / @CityofUtica health, or destructive Downtown #UrbanRenewal? Where does one's wealth help #healthcare most, does Mr. Forbe's know... Asking the questions and answering here! #philanthropy #WealthManagement
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) March 14, 2018
If a person, family, or business, truly wanted to contribute financially to better Oneida County healthcare, a better hospital, where would they donate their funds? Where would this wealth be best used to insure; lives are saved, newborns enter world surrounded by latest equipment, bones, organs, and people are healed?
Would you invest your wealth in an effort to bulldoze Downtown Utica, and all the terrible elements the concept requires (not to mention a $1B total price tag), or would you donate your funds to a 64-acre campus at St. Luke’s? There where the money directly goes to use on land already purchased by the hospital (and likely past donors), supports the St. Luke’s Home, and students studying across the street at Utica College, closely aligned with doctors and healthcare facilities and personnel at Slocum-Dickson and the Utica Business Park?
So, would they invest in regional healthcare guided by medical professionals, or an urban renewal concept guided by politicians and others seeking an AUD parking garage?
Fund focused organizations! If @MVHealthSystem requests your healthcare donation, you must think! Will you fund #Healthcare or bulldozers?
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) April 2, 2017
We are not against a new hospital, only the location - place the hospital where it is not so damaging. Please read What's So Wrong With St. Luke's?