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Mayor's MOA Gives Away These Taxpayer Assets

Will the hospital project make Utica richer, or poorer? We're investigating...

February 25, 2018 - Reading how could hospital project impact utica's tax base, we learn...

"What's certain, however, is that plans for the 25-acre hospital project targeted for the area of State, Columbia and Lafayette streets would see those parcels demolished and removed from the tax rolls.

"The properties have a combined assessed value upward of $7 million using 2017 assessments, with around $4.1 million of that taxable when excluding tax-exempt parcels such as the Resource Center for Independent Living buildings on Columbia Street, the Salvation Army Family Store on Columbia and any city-owned spaces."

"From the Utica Police Department's maintenance garage to a handful of lots assessed at a few hundred dollars each, at least 80 properties thus far make up the current footprint for the proposed downtown hospital project."

August 30, 2017 - Here are the properties that the City/County/MVHS Hospital MOA proposes to exchange. They list eleven properties in the MOA's Exhibit A. However, seems property 1 and 11 are the same...

Exhibit A

Item No., Tax Parcel ID No., Address

1. 401 State Street, ID No. 318.034-1-37

2. 414-416 Lafayette Street, ID No. 318.034-1-24

3. 509 State Street, ID No. 318.041-2-34

4. 336 Columbia Street, ID No. 318.042-1-30

5. 326-334 Columbia Street, ID No. 318.042-1-29

6. 324 Lafayette Street, ID No. 318.042-1-2

7. 322 Lafayette Street, ID No. 318.042-1-13

8. 326-330 Lafayette Street, ID No. 318.042-1-14

9. 318 Lafayette Street, ID No.

10. 417 Oriskany Street West, ID No. 318.42-1-2./2

11. 401 State Street, ID No. 318.34-1-37

We planned to have linked each parcel ID to that in the County's Real Property Database, but in a preemptive strike, they seem to have been removed, or hidden.

More on each parcel to follow. Please comment on this taxpayer asset giveaway here:
#NoHospitalDowntown's Facebook Conversation Regarding City Asset Giveaway

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