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City Of Utica Pays

A spreadsheet from the City of Utica reveals $28,273,772 (and more!!) expended to facilitate the downtown Wynn Hospital. This was a hospital that was said to not cost taxpayers a penny, because MV Health System was going to finance it all. Rack up another lie.

(Project Element) Defined cost to City. [Source/Documentation]

( 1 ) City contributed existing funding under the jurisdiction of Empire State Development previously identified for the development of parking. [“To be used for the parking facility project" - MOA]


( 2 ) City contributed existing funding from NYS Assembly sponsored State Assistance Municipal Program (SAM). ["To be used for the parking facility project" - MOA]


( 3 ) City contributed existing funding from the expected URI. [“To be used for the parking facility project" - MOA]


( 4 ) Contribute City owned land w/in boundaries of the new hospital campus [Assessor's records - full market value (2016)]


( 5 ) Reroute existing City owned sewer/stormwater within the new hospital project boundaries, remove utilities and terminate use of existing easements and ROW. [O'Brien & Gere analysis report]


( 6 ) Accelerate repairs necessary to Kennedy Garage - dedication of 200 to 300 spots to MVHS. Does not include reduction for $3 million URI State Grant (if it's not sold)]


( 7 ) Loss of URI Grant - Kennedy Garage. [Contributed to County Parking Garage]


( 8 ) Outside Counsel - SEQRA Challenge


( 9 ) Relocate/exchange a portion of Police parking west of Pine Street to Brandeles (MVHS owned)


( 10 ) Discontinue portions of Lafayette, Lee and Cornelia Streets.



( 11 ) Plus a recurring tax loss/cost [Lost City Property Tax]

$112,529 annually

( 12 ) Plus let us not forget Oneida County is forecasting a $52 million dollar parking garage on backs of taxpayers! Lucky us, Anthony J. Picente Jr. says $20 million may come from state and federal governments (aka, taxpayers!)

You can help, please join us on Facebook #NoHospitalDowntown. Also consider adding your voice to Hundreds of People Saying, "No Hospital Downtown". Get to know BUD, that's the future of the Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood!

No Studies, No Reports, thus we remain #NoHospitalDowntown